To introduce Febreeze to a new section of customers. This will take this trusted product to almost universal acceptance as THE must have household necessity . Fabreeze is on the cutting edge of innovation in it’s category . Men will impressed by the many benefits they find in our products use
'Companies that market experiences realize that customers are really buying much more than just products and services. They are buying what those offers will do for them. “A brand, product, or service is more than just a physical thing. Humans that connect with the brand add meaning and value to it,” says one marketing executive. “Successfully managing the customer experience is the ultimate goal,” adds another.'
Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing. Chapter 7pg.5
The new sales will propel our company into place prominence in the coming decade and our market share will increase 46% by the next financial year. Our brand is projected to acquire a new cache ,and with it even better opportunities to reach out to other brands who want to partner with Proctor and Gamble
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